Plumbing mishaps are hardly entertaining in real life. But when they’re on the big screen, we can’t help but crack a smile at the lighter side of gushing faucets, overflowing toilets, and clogged drains. No, really! Remember these classic scenes?
Plumbing Scene #1: “Uh, Put a Pan Down There”
We just need to state the obvious, here: Mr. “Stern Lecture Plumbing” should not be your go-to guy for your plumbing emergency! Reputable plumbers have quick access to the parts they need, and their priority is eliminating damage to your home and your belongings. Plus, they’ll offer immediately helpful suggestions. In this case, the place to begin is turning off the main water supply to your home.
Plumbing Scene #2: “This Ain’t a House; It’s a Sieve”
The Three Stooges [clip starts at 10:56]
Here’s a lesson worth repeating: Always turn off the water supply to the fixture on which you’re working—or to the entire house. And while Curly’s situation is extreme, there’s a second lesson to be learned: Address leaks right away—no matter how minor they seem. Over time, standing water can cause damage to your flooring: water stains, warps, odors, and even structural vulnerability.
Plumbing Scene #3: “Please, Just Make the Water Go Down”
Along Came Polly [clip starts at 1:25]
There are few things worse than watching the water rise (and rise and rise) in the toilet bowl. Fortunately, an emergency like this one is improbable. Your toilet bowl is plenty large enough to contain the water in your tank, so if you only flush once, it likely won’t overflow. If you’re still nervous, reach behind the toilet, just above the baseboard, and turn off the water valve. And here’s a bonus lesson from this clip: Loofas make terrible plungers.
Plumbing Scene #4: “The Right Tool for the Right Job”
Taking shortcuts when it comes to plumbing problems is never, ever a good idea. The good news is drippy faucets can usually be repaired quickly and inexpensively. Just make sure to use the right tool for the right job.
Plumbing Scene #5: “Gee, I Hope That’s Our New Toilet!”
The likelihood of any of us ending up with a toilet in our living room is remote, but there’s still a lesson to be had here: Be realistic about your plumbing DIY skills. With Google at our fingertips, we’re all tempted to save money by making repairs ourselves. While reasonably handy homeowners can manage certain minor fixes on their own, trying to tackle big jobs will undoubtedly cost you more time and money. Plus, your DIY attempt might create complications when the real plumber arrives.
Plumbing Scene #6: “Mr. Martin, I’m in Trouble”
Before embarking on any home improvement project, make sure you know what’s hiding behind walls, under floors, and above ceilings. Plumbing emergencies are frustrating enough when they aren’t self-imposed.
Plumbing Scene #7: “There are Three Kinds of Pipe”
Just as there are right tools, there are also right parts. Like most industries, the plumbing field has gotten smarter and more efficient over time, and the cheapest option isn’t always the best choice.
For more than 30 years, St. Louis-area homeowners have trusted Maplewood Plumbing and Sewer, and our family-owned business prides itself on our solid reputation in the community. Give us a call at 314-645-6350 to see for yourself why our loyal customers won’t use anyone else!
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